Dakota: "Knock, Knock"
Mommy: "Who's there?"
Dakota: "Koda"
Mommy: "Koda who?"
Dakota: "Me"
Dakota: "Knock, Knock"
Mommy: "Who's there?"
Dakota: "Orange"
Mommy: "Orange who?"
Dakota: "Huh??"
Cody: "Knock, Knock"
Dakota: "Who's there?"
Cody: "Cody"
Dakota: "Who's Cody?"
Dakota: "Knock, Knock"
Mommy: "Who's there?"
Dakota: "Piggy"
Mommy: "Piggy who?"
Dakota: "HONK!"
Also for your viewing pleasure, here are a couple of videos from after dinner.
Enjoy :)
( Please excuse the obnoxious laughter in the background. Hee hee)
Not sure what type of plants you used but this would be awesome to grow fresh herbs for cooking.